Punjabi Typing Test
How to take Punjabi Typing Test
- Enter your name, select test duration, select passage or upload your own text and Click on "Start Test" Button.
- You will see the passage to be typed appear in a box. Here you have option to show or hide passage as per your requirement.
- Now enable Raavi Punjabi keyboard in your system from language bar. ( If you don't know check here Setup Raavi Font Keyboard in Windows 11,Window 10, Windows 8, 7 & XP )
- Now type the Highlighted words as showing in passage and after completion of time you will see your result.
- The test have many customization options such as you can hide or show the passage, download passage. Here you can enable/disable highlighter, wrong and right word indicator. You can choose how the backspace key will function during the test.
- Now you can see all metrics of your typing skill in terms of WPM and Accuracy along with right words, wrong words, backspace, time taken and words you was missed or doubled types etc.
- Practice more and more to achieve good typing speed and accuracy.
Typing Test Raavi Punjabi Font
Check your Punjabi Typing Speed and accuracy. Punjabi Typing Speed Test in Raavi Font. There are two different test styles for your more practices. You have both option time limited and word passage limited test. Set your milestone and practice more and more to achieve that, once you gate a milestone make another tougher milestone and practice to achieve it. The test score shown in Word Per Minute (WPM) and Accuracy in percentage.
Raavi Font Keyboard Mapping
Raavi Font Keyboard mapping on qwerty keyboard is given on above image. For type in Raavi font you have to enable Punjabi (Gurumukhi) Keyboard in your system. Punjabi Speed test is designed with Raavi font, which is used for Punjabi Typing exams. We suggest to first learning proper typing than start speed test. And Keep in mind that you have to focus on accuracy. If you type fast but type wrong then there is no meaning of your typing. In start you will feel that your speed is not improving but it will take time. Always learn typing without seeing the keyboard.
Practice is only formula that can improve your speed. Keep Focus and practice more and more. Practice daily for 1 hour is enough. But practicing daily is important.